Boutique Residential Apartments
DEDICO was engaged to provide our services in development and project management for a high-end boutique residence located in the sought-after suburb of Mosman, Sydney. The site with panoramic views overlooking Balmoral and a site area of 2,220sqm having the potential to achieve sale rates at the top-end of the market.
A significant factor in the financial success of the development was to secure a development approval (DA) that maximised Gross Floor Area and the number of large apartments within the constraints of the planning controls. The key planning controls for the site being floor space ratio and built wall height limited to 7.20m above the existing ground.
A DA approval strategy was established in collaboration with key experts, both selected and managed by DEDICO. The strategy adopted was to proceed with a 2 stage DA process. The first stage was to minimise client risk and secure a compliant scheme which was achieved through a Section 34 Land & Environment Court Conference (S34) which approved a development comprising 6 apartments with either 3 or 4 bedrooms. To protect the existing DA approval the second stage involved the submission of a Modification to the existing approved DA in parallel with the submission of anew DA. Both applications proposing varying alternation and additions to the approved DA but both achieving an uplift in yield to provide a development comprising 7 apartments with increased net sellable area.
Interested in discussing an upcoming development? Let's have a conversation.